Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to teach your child.  I consider it a privilege to provide your child with an excellent, comprehensive approach to piano learning.  All my students will receive well-rounded piano training which includes theory, aural skills, technique, sight-reading, etc. Please read through this studio policy carefully for clear understanding and mutual expectations. 

 Lesson Schedule:  I have reserved a space for you with the understanding that we will have a lesson each week at that time.  If a permanent conflict arises with this lesson time, please feel free to contact me to discuss alternate arrangements.  I am happy to work with you to ensure a weekly lesson time that complements both of our schedules.  A student is welcome to exchange lesson times with another student; however, I must be notified in advance.  Students are expected to continue lessons throughout the summer (choose 8 flex lessons in advance around your family’s summer plans).  

Payment: Tuition is to be paid quarterly or biannually. Every student will have a total of 48 sessions per year (including rehearsal, recital, group lessons, theory & Aural Skills Week, Parent Conference, and Summer flex sessions). Once a lesson has begun, students are financially responsible for the entire year. In order to reserve your spot, a new student registration fee of $50 will be charged followed by a yearly registration fee of $25. A 30-day notice is required for termination. Click here for tuition information

Cancellation:  A 24-hr courtesy notice is requested for absences or lesson swaps.  Make-ups will NOT be guaranteed for any reason; NOR will be a reduction in tuition for any missed lessons. If you cannot make it in person or if we have inclement weather, the alternatives are: 

1. Online Zoom/Facetime/WeChat lesson during your regular lesson time Zoom Link Click Here 

2. Send me a video recording of the student’s playing in order to receive comments, instruction, plus a new assignment.  

3. Keep practicing. Sightread new pieces. Work on extra theory pages and Piano Maestro at home.

4. Swap time with other families or attend an additional group lesson.

Books and Materials: I will communicate with you when new books or materials are needed. I will either give you a shopping list or order the materials for you and bill them to you. 

Promptness:  Every effort is made in the studio to stay on schedule and ensure that each student receives full lesson time.  Time will not be taken from the following lesson to accommodate late arrivals.  If arriving early, please be courteous and wait in your car until your lesson time to avoid disturbing others' lesson.  Please be prompt in picking up students after the lesson as well.

Making the Most of Lessons:  While most students are excited to start piano lessons, please note that there are challenging times and sometimes frustration.  As the initial enthusiasm is replaced by an awareness of the discipline and commitment required to attain skills, your encouragement and praise will be essential to your child’s success. It is important to set aside a scheduled practice time as a part of the daily routine.  Creating a habit to practice in your child’s life is an important facet of a child’s development for a long-term commitment.  The rate of progress is directly correlated with regular home practice.  Each practice session should equate to the lesson duration.  Going over each week’s assignment as soon as you get home is a great way to solidify any new concepts learned in the lesson. The more you are involved with your child’s practice and lesson, the more successful he or she will be!  

What Do My Students Learn: A Complete Approach to Piano Education

My Studio offers 1-on-1 Lesson with the teacher and Shared Time for the Enhancement activities consisting of Theory Workbook, Note-spellers, Piano Maestro, Flashcards, Games, etc. Activities may vary weekly. Additionally, I tailor my approach to accommodate each student's unique needs by scheduling sessions at different times to address any areas where they may require additional support. In order to enhance theory and aural skills, Group Lessons are offered once in every semester. Ensemble Lessons (composition, improvisation, rhythm body percussion, etc) are offered in the Summer months.  My assistants are well-trained and particularly effective with beginner students, who not only assist but also supplement teaching.

Lesson Duration: The chart below shows the lesson Duration in minutes according to the student's piano skill level. Please note that the lesson includes both 1-on-1 and shared time. 

Piano Skill Level

Lesson Duration in Minutes

Grade 1


Grade 2


Grade 3


Grade 4


Grade 5


Grade 6


Grade 7


Grade 8


Grade 9


Grade 10
